Family Hubs

Family Hubs are a new way of bringing together all the support you may need as a family from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 years or 25 if they have a disability.

Parent Carer Panels

We need the help of local parents & carers who use our children’s services currently, or may in the future, to make sure that Family Hubs are designed to meet the needs of our local community.

One of the ways we are doing this is by holding Parent Carer Panels and forums. This will be an opportunity for parents & carers to work together with local services and commissioners to help co-produce and design services for children. This will help to ensure that families are being listened to and heard in Croydon.

The purpose of the Parent Carer Panel is to:

  • ensure local parents & carers play a key role in designing and continuously improving family services
  • enable the voice of local parents & carers including those whose voices are seldom heard
  • ensure Family Hubs are designed for inclusion and meet the needs of the diverse communities that live in Croydon.

We want the panel to be representative of a range of parents & carers from a range of Croydon’s diverse communities. We are therefore welcoming families from all walks of life and backgrounds with a particular focus on those who are pregnant/partner of an expectant parent and with children up to age 2.

If you are a parent / care of older children we will also be keen to hear from you to participate in our parents forums and evaluation of services.

For more information please email us at: