Special treatments licence

If you run a business that offers beauty treatments, massage, alternative therapies or tanning facilities you may need a special treatments licence.

Variation of a Special Treatment Licence

A variation to your licence is required if your premises alters from the original plans submitted, new treatments or operatives are requested to be added to your licence. Any alteration to the original application may incur a variation fee.

Download the variation of a special treatment licence application form (PDF, 154KB).

View the licence fees.

Variation of a licence: add a new tattooist or piercer

If you're the licensee of a premises offering tattooing or body piercing and you take on a new tattooist, body piercer or guest artist, you must apply to vary your licence. 

Download a tattooist and piercing application form (PDF, 23KB).

View the licence fees.

Please complete a new form for each person. 

Send completed variation forms to the licensing team.  

Croydon Council, Licensing Team
6th Floor, Zone A
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA.

Email: licensing@croydon.gov.uk

Your questions

If you have any queries regarding varying your special treatments licence, please email licensing@croydon.gov.uk.